Practice Information:
Rapleys LLP is registered as a Limited Liability Partnership in England and Wales.
Registration No: OC308311
Registered Office at Unit 3A, Incubator One, Alconbury Weald, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE28 4XA.
A full list of Members is available on this website or at any of our offices during normal business hours.
Rapleys LLP operates a formal complaints procedure, details of which can be obtained if required.
Maps used on this website are for identifications purposes only and should not be relied upon for accuracy. © Crown Copyright and database rights 2018. Licence No. 100004619.
Property Details – Misrepresentation Act:
Property particulars are produced in good faith and believed to be correct. Neither Rapleys, their joint agents (where applicable) or their client guarantees their accuracy and they are not intended to form any part of a contract. No person in the employment of Rapleys or their joint agents has authority to give any representation or warranty in respect of this property. All prices or rents are quoted exclusive of VAT.