What we do
Strategic Land Advice
Leverage value from strategic land with our collaborative experts.

Leverage value from strategic land with our experts who identify and assess opportunities for our clients
Whether you are a landowner seeking to maximise returns from surplus land or house builders looking to acquire a site for a major residential scheme, we will add value to your project and can support all stakeholders concerned with residential development in between.
Once we have identified a strategic site or advised on a site’s opportunity, we bring in our planning and transactional experts to maximise or deliver the opportunity. This might be a sale or an acquisition, setting up a joint venture or funding opportunity between the landowner and a promoter, a house builder or institution. Or they may simply be providing viability, assessments or valuation to underpin eventual transactions or future opportunities.
Our collaborative strategic land team works both with our internal experts and appointed external consultants. These include architects, planners and biodiversity teams. Simultaneously we will be thinking of innovative and cutting-edge proposals to ensure the most value is obtained from a site’s potential.
As such we will identify the best use for a piece of strategic land with consideration given to Private and Affordable Housing providers, or specialist/alternative residential sector developers and operators. We have strong experience working with PBSA, later living and Build to Rent. Our clients are able to leverage value from our extensive network of potential buyers, vendors and partners.
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