

Our experts will support you wherever your office or assets are based, providing market commentary and comparable data so that you have all the information needed to make informed strategic decisions.

Obtain best value from your office development, asset or lease

We support the refurbishment, redesign, repurposing and retrofitting of existing spaces, audit liabilities such as service charges and advise on lease events and regear opportunities. We also put together workplace and occupational strategies, guiding on everything from operational to maximise property performance.

We also have a strong track record in managing an individual office or entire portfolio, creating and adding value through asset management and advising on exit strategies. Our experts will support you wherever your office or assets are based, providing market commentary and comparable data so that you have all the information needed to make informed strategic decisions.

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Key contacts

Gain national and local expertise through our multidisciplinary teams of experts.

Partner – Building Consultancy

James Porter

Partner & Head of Neighbourly Matters – Building Consultancy

Dan Tapscott

Our track record

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