Our people
Shane Scollard
Associate – Planning

Shane Scollard expertise
- BSc (Hons)
- MPlan
Shane is a chartered town planner with 11 years’ experience in strategic planning policy and development management. He has represented clients such as Cemex, Rolls-Royce Aerospace, Homes England and many local authorities in achieving planning strategies and planning permissions. Shane has in depth understanding of strategic housing needs and supply matters, supporting local authorities in achieving new policy approaches and defending land supply positions at appeal. Shane has recently supported expert witnesses in five year land supply and planning balance cases at several inquiries.
Shane joined Rapleys in July 2023 as Associate Planner, having worked previously with Stantec, AECOM (and formerly URS Infrastructure and Environment) and Cork County Council. Some of Shane’s key projects include working with Cemex on their transition as a cement business to achieving net zero, regenerating mixed-uses on housing estates for the City of London and working on the housing and employment evidence base for the emerging development plans for local authorities.
Shane offers clients a dual role of understanding and preparing Local Plan policy evidence base while having the ability to lead on development management planning applications. In this respect, he brings extra value to projects, knowing what is required to progress Local Plan policy and planning applications alike. Shane is passionate about town planning and achieving sustainable solutions for commercial clients and public authorities.
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