Automotive & Roadside
Under Offer
Dealership Opportunity
Star Park South, Heartlands Parkway, Birmingham, B7 5AH
For Sale
- Purpose-built dealership extending to approximately 27,296 sq ft
- Prominent roadside location fronting the A47
- Close proximity to Junction 6 of the M6 motorway and Star City
- 1 million people live within 20 minutes of Star City, the UK’s largest leisure destination
- Let to Lookers Motor Group Limited, guaranteed by Lookers plc, with an unexpired term certain of approximately 8 years
- Passing rent of £330,000 per annum, equating to £12.09 per sq ft
- Lease subject to 5 yearly rent reviews to open market value
- Low site density of 16% on a site area of 3.08 acres
- Freehold
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Where to find this property
Heartlands Parkway,
B7 5AH