Track record

London Landed Estate – 10 mixed use properties

Onboarding new property management instruction comprising 10 properties.

Property Management


Retail & Leisure




The project

On 1st September 2023, the Property & Asset Management team took over a portfolio of 10 mixed use (office, residential & retail) and residential only properties at short notice, which had been neglected by the previous managing agent. The residential elements are all sold off and require consultation for major works.

We immediately reviewed all health & safety compliance information to find, in most cases, certain risk assessments or inspections had not been undertaken by required deadlines, including Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998, asbestos re-inspections & electrical installation condition reports. The leaseholders were also feeling neglected as major projects such as internal and external decorations had not been progressed for some time. To compound the issues the key people at the previous managing agent had all left the business, so handover was minimal.

Our solution

Working with the client, we are compiling a schedule of issues and works required with costs across the portfolio, categorised into urgency. Communication with the leaseholders is key and we will be ensuring all leaseholders receive regular communications with updates.

We are working with the building surveying team to ensure we have up to date costings for major works and can embark on the formal consultation procedures with the residential leaseholders.

We are also reviewing all the service charge budgets to ensure they have been set up correctly by the previous managing agent and any contractors/contracts are suitable for the sites and are providing best value.

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