Track record
12,000 Stock Condition Surveys – Yorkshire Housing
Yorkshire Housing
Appointed by Yorkshire Housing via the Fusion21 Framework to complete 12,000 stock condition surveys over a 3-year period

Housing Consultancy
Local Authority
The project
Rapleys Housing Consultancy team was appointed by Yorkshire Housing via the Fusion21 Frame work in November 2022 to complete 12,000 stock condition surveys over a 3-year period.
The project objectives were two-fold:
- Validate existing Yorkshire Housing survey data in Keystone
- Collect key and relevant component condition information and to complete full resident communications and liaison
Rapleys led a workshop with key project stakeholders at an early stage to understand the nature of the portfolio and associated priority groups for survey. From those discussions we identified specific sectors within the portfolio that were to be prioritised to ensure our client’s annual targets were met whilst retaining proportionate representation of surveyed properties across the portfolio.
Rapleys completed a detailed review of the existing survey form configuration within their Keystone asset management database. We recommended and implemented improvements to the existing configuration, ensuring the survey form design met current Best Practice standards and fully met and exceeded our clients requirements.
Rapleys ‘Year 1’ surveys commenced in December 2022 with a target of completing 3,000 surveys by the end of March 2023. Rapleys survey management team had remote access to Yorkshire Housing’s Keystone database, primarily to allocate surveys, manage uploaded surveys, undertake quality assurance checks and promotion of surveys to the Live environment.
Rapleys have reported all Damp and Mould and other HHSRS issues direct to Yorkshire Housing immediately upon discovery. This proactive approach has enabled Yorkshire Housing to dispatch repairs teams to undertake remedial repairs at the earliest opportunity.
All surveys were completed using Rapleys iPads with Keystone Foundation software installed. Our Resident Liaison team worked tirelessly to engage with residents via letters, emails and SMS messaging services. Through this proactive working Rapleys were able to complete the required 3,000 surveys by mid-March 2023, two weeks ahead of schedule.
We are continuing completion of stock condition surveys with Yorkshire Housing to meet the total target of 12,000 surveys by mid-2025.
Our solution
- Successful use of Keystone asset management software to collect all survey data
- Over 3,000 surveys completed in 12 weeks
- Wide geographic spread of properties across Yorkshire region
- Intensive resident engagement and communications
- Immediate reporting of Damp/Mould and HHSRS issues identified