Track record
104-106 East Street, Southampton
Delivery of commercial and market-led viability advice to support the successful completion of a stalled development.

Affordable Housing
Financial Viability Assessments
Project value
The project
The development at East Street, Southampton, received planning consent in 2019 to provide 16no one- and two-bedroom apartments, with a requirement to provide 6no affordable housing units. The development was started but the previous developer went into liquidation and the site has remained stalled half constructed since.
Reflect Group has acquired the site but due to the recent increases in construction cost and finance rates, the s106 requirement in the consent was no longer viable and was preventing the development from being completed.
Reflect Group instructed Rapleys to assess the viability of the scheme and make a case for a reduction in the s106 requirement.
Our solution
Rapleys provided a viability assessment report which was reviewed for Southampton City Council by BNP Paribas. Using our expertise in negotiation and the collation and provision of further build cost evidence it was agreed by the Council that the scheme was at the current time unable to viably provide any affordable housing.
This will allow a stalled half-built site to come forward contributing to the ongoing regeneration of the East Street/Back of the Walls area of the city.
Image courtesy of Reflect Group
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