Track record
New Lidl store and existing sites expansion programme
Lidl Great Britain Limited
Providing planning consultancy services for Lidl throughout the UK

Environmental Impact Assessments
Retail & Leisure
The project
Rapleys provides Lidl with planning consultancy services throughout the UK and has a National Framework Agreement in place with them.
Rapleys acts as Lead Planning Consultant across a series of Lidl’s UK regions and helps them to deliver their new store and existing site expansion programme.
Rapleys has advised on more than 300 sites since being appointed to the framework in 2015.
Our solution
The range of planning consultancy services include the following:
- Securing planning permission for new stores
- Securing planning permission for existing store re-developments / store extensions / refurbishments
- Local plan representations
- Amendments to operating / delivery hours
- Advertisement consents
- National strategic planning advice.
Rapleys has successfully advised on over 250 new stores/existing site projects. Rapleys’ advice has added value to Lidl’s business in the following areas:
- Site appraisal
- Planning strategy
- Pre-application consultation and negotiations
- Advice on S106 obligations and CIL
- Co-ordination of application as lead consultant
- Planning Performance Agreement advice
- EIA strategy and advice (screening and scoping)
- Planning Statements
- Heritage advice
- Consultation, Public Exhibitions and Statements of Community Involvement
- Liaison with politicians
- Planning appeals/Expert Witness advice
- Discharge of Conditions
- Amendments post permission (S96a/S73).
In addition to planning consultancy, Rapleys’ retail agency team work closely with Lidl in a number of regions and act on their behalf in identifying and acquiring sites for Lidl to open new stores and in respect of disposals.