Track record
Mixed use development, Greenford Road
Private Client
Planning application for the construction of 346 residential units

The project
A full planning application for the demolition of an existing building and construction of 346 residential units across four blocks of up to nine storeys. To include ancillary crèche, café, restaurant, management suite and associated landscaping and access on Metropolitan Open Land in the borough of Ealing.
The residential key drivers were to deliver a residential-led development, including a PRS scheme that will provide economic, social and environmental benefits to the wider regeneration of the local area.
Our solution
Following the approval of permitted development for the conversion of existing office buildings to 275 residential units, Rapleys was instructed to provide additional consultancy advice to maximise developable floor space at the site. The consultancy advice varied from expert planning advice, specific to amenity and open space, employment, housing tenure and other technical disciplines to Section 106 and initial CIL advice.
Rapleys produced a Planning Statement, Affordable Housing Statement and Daylight and Sunlight Assessment. Also provided advice on scheme drawings, supporting technical studies and planning conditions, as well as speaking in support of the scheme at Planning Committee.
After two years of negotiations with Ealing Council and the GLA, and a deferred determination at Planning Committee to provide further information, Rapleys was able to secure a planning approval by unanimous decision. The application has now been referred to the GLA for the Mayor’s final decision.