Track record
Archers Spring, land North of Welwyn Road, Hertford
London and Regional
Instructed to to provide strategic land and planning application advice

Project value
The project
Rapleys was instructed by London and Regional to provide strategic land advice, planning application strategy advice, undertake pre-application discussions with the Council, lead the design team and coordinate the submission of a planning application for the redevelopment of Land to the West of Sele Farm Estate.
Archers Spring is located in a semi-rural location at the edge of Hertford. The current site borders Sele Farm Estate to the east and Panshanger Park to the south. The site area is 12.55 Ha. and the southern part of the site is predominantly grassland separated by a number of steep slopes. The northern part of the site contains large areas of woodland and the County Wildlife Site to the northwest. It was released from the Green Belt, and allocated for at least 300 dwellings in the recently East Herts District Plan. Rapleys worked over a 5 year period through the various stages of the Local plan to achieve this allocation.
Representations were submitted on behalf of London and Regional Properties, in response to the Main Modifications Consultation, 15 February – 29 March 2018. These representations relate to the proposed modifications to ‘Chapter 7 Hertford’. The representations welcomed the amendments to modify the land allocation boundary allowing the connections between the subject site and Sele Farm as well as amending the wording for a minimum of 550 homes to Policy HERT3 West of Hertford which allowed flexibility in delivering an appropriate level of housing.
Pre-application enquiries were submitted in 2017 and 2018 with the intention to submit an Outline planning application on adoption of the East Herts District Plan for the redevelopment of the site to provide up to 350 dwellings, with appearance, landscaping, and scale reserved. The pre-application proposal was received positively by the Council.
An outline planning application was submitted in March 2019 to East Herts Council for the 342 residential dwellings (of a range of sizes and type) together with public open and amenity space, access, and parking, with appearance, and landscaping reserved. This application was supported by the relevant technical reports including Viability Assessment in relation to affordable housing provision, which were checked and reviewed by Rapleys in advance of the application submission. Rapleys has provided formal responses to comments raised by Hertford Town Council and Statutory consultees i.e., The application is pending consideration with the only outstanding issue being affordable housing provision and a decision is expected by December 2022.
Our solution
- Provided continuity of advice over 10 year period
- Kept the clients’ costs at all stages to a minimum
- Partnered with the Council, both officers and Members, in promoting the site
- Liaised with the preferred Registered Provider (RP)throughout to ensure deliverability.