Track record

Carbon Sequestration Cement Additive Facility

Leading the planning application submission for a new carbon capture facility

Cemex Rugby



Industrial & Logistics


Shane Scollard

The project

Rapleys advised and led on the submission of a planning application for a Carbon Sequestration Cement Additive Facility for the carbon technology specialists Carbon Upcycling UK Ltd.

The proposals received approval from Warwickshire County Council in May 2024. The development proposals promote establishing Europe’s inaugural commercial-scale carbon sequestration and cement additive plant, fusing CO2 and recycled waste materials to create a cement additive. The proposal seeks to add a new test facility to the current layout of the Cemex Rugby cement plant, adjacent to the primary feedstock source of bypass dust and CO2 – both of which are waste products from the cement making process. The facility is capable of receiving a variety of feedstock, the first being on-site cement kiln bypass dust, followed by recycled powdered glass and landfill fly ash, binding these to CO2 to create a supplementary cementitious material.

The process aims to establish carbon capture and circular economy principles, supporting the transition of the cement industry to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

This pilot project tests carbon capture technology over a three-year temporary planning permission and will demonstrate reduction in emissions from the main flue of the Cemex plant into the atmosphere. If this trial technology is proven under these proposals, it will enable Cemex and the cement industry globally to invest in the much-needed transition from traditional manufacturing methods to develop products and solutions to reduce the impacts of climate change.

Our solution

Rapleys advised on the planning strategy that suited the applicant and landowner. The team’s knowledge of the site and industry enabled an application to be prepared and submitted in a timely manner.

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