Track record
Lead Consultant for Millbrook Park, London
The Inglis Consortium LLP
Market tested and procured the services of an Energy Services Company

Project Management & Cost Management
Project value
The project
The outline planning permission for the development of 2,250 new homes required a district heating network and energy centre (with a combined heat and power plant) to deliver heat and hot water to 1,500 homes as a low carbon source of energy. The selection and procurement of an Energy Services Company (ESCo) to design, build, maintain and operate the district heating network was paramount to de-risking the delivery of serviced land parcels for sale of these development phases.
Our solution
As Lead Consultant Rapleys managed a multi- disciplinary design team to market test and procure the services of a preferred ESCo.
Rapleys supported the client through the negotiation of a complex legal framework agreement with the ESCo for the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of the energy network over a 40 year period. Rapleys managed the design team during the design and implementation phases to deliver “heat on” to the occupied dwellings.
The location of the energy centre was originally planned in a single-storey building adjacent to an area of employment use on the masterplan. Rapleys advised the client on the potential relocation of the energy centre as a subterranean plant room beneath an area of public open space. Consequently, the client obtained a change of use permission which gave rise to an increase in land value of >£5M.
Rapleys led a multi-disciplinary design team to obtain planning consent for the below ground plant room and managed the detailed design for construction, including complex interfaces with the above ground public open space and adjacent phases of development.