Track record
Local centre redevelopment, Stirchley, Telford
Preferred Homes Ltd
Secured planning permission for an affordable extra care scheme of 67 apartments

Care & Retirement
The project
PHL appointed Rapleys to secure planning permission for a one hundred percent affordable extra care scheme of 67 apartments on a Council owned brownfield site in a local centre.
The Birmingham team submitted a detailed planning application in November 2021, then monitored and managed it proactively to ensure that the case officer was able to recommend approval of the application. The team worked closely with the statutory consultees, the local schools trust and church as close neighbours, responding to their comments and addressing any concerns throughout the determination process. A footpath extinguishment order was also necessary which ran concurrently with the planning application. Planning permission for this much needed form of specialist housing was granted in May 2022.
Our solution
- Front loading the process – conducting detailed pre-application engagement based on presentation and analysis of need governing design, layout of site, parking, building height and massing
- Instructing and overseeing early site assessment – to ensure the scheme design took account of technical and environmental evidence and requirements
- Working closely with case officer and consultees – to address all issues prior to determination
- Project managing the consultant team to ensure all elements of the project were delivered efficiently and to a high standard.