Track record
New prototype sales building at a service station, Guildford
Private Client
Secured planning permission for a 2-storey sales building and forecourt upgrades

Automotive & Roadside
The project
Planning permission was secured for a new prototype 2-storey petrol filling station sales building and forecourt upgrades at an existing roadside service station site in the Green Belt, where development is highly restricted.
Our solution
- Pre-application engagement was undertaken with Guildford Borough Council to agree the principle of development and scope of the planning application . Although the proposal was on previously developed land, it was important to undertake this pre- application work given the site’s Green Belt location and the scale of the client’s proposed 2-storey sales building, which had yet to be tested by the planning system in England
- Responsible for managing the submission of the planning application, coordinating the team’s responses to consultation comments, attending Planning Committee and following up with Officers thereafter to negotiate and agree the final planning conditions
- Successfully managed the team on behalf of the client through the preparation and submission of full planning application
- Key advisor in determining subsequent changes to the pre-application scheme, and with the project team’s assistance, was able to secure agreement with the local authority of the need for doubling the height of an existing building in the Green Belt.
Planning permission was subsequently secured with Rapleys continuing to assist the development process by overseeing the discharge of planning conditions on behalf of the client.