Track record
Planned maintenance works, Jockey Club Rooms
Jockey Club Estates
Completed a Planned Preventative Maintenance schedule for budgeting purposes

Building Surveying
£90,000 – Phase 1
Project value
Retail & Leisure
The project
Jockey Club Estates had concerns regarding the deteriorating condition of elements of the building fabric of this Grade II Listed building on the High Street of Newmarket.
Rapleys were commissioned to complete a Planned Preventative Maintenance schedule to highlight key priorities and planned maintenance over a period of 10 years for budgeting purposes.
Our solution
Rapleys completed a thorough inspection of the property over several days to establish the condition of the building fabric and finishes. We then established key priorities for maintenance and repair and coordinated a drone survey for a more detailed assessment of the upper parts of the property.
The report was presented on a spreadsheet with a detailed breakdown of year on year budget expenditure, such that any works not completed in Year 1 could be easily transferred into Year 2 and so on.
Rapleys produced a clear and detailed breakdown of key priorities and recommended planned maintenance, which could be used for budget planning and provide a simple working document, as works are commissioned.
Upon the further instructions of the Client, Year 1 key priorities were subsequently specified and tendered to selected contractors by Rapleys. Thereafter Rapleys administered the building contract works, with ongoing liaison and approval from the local Conservation Officer to the completion of the works to the satisfaction of the client.