Track record
Planning application for Build to Rent development, Milton Keynes
Packaged Living
Planning application for 294 rental apartments and an apartment hotel

The project
The planning application sought consent for 294 rental apartments and an apartment hotel in central Milton Keynes forming part of a wider mixed use development. This major build to rent scheme will be one of the largest of its kind in one of the tallest buildings in central Milton Keynes. With significant resident amenity areas and flexible community space, the scheme sets the bar for high quality rental accommodation.
Rapleys coordinated the planning application, including project management of the various consultants, as well as negotiation with the Council and other key stakeholders.
Our solution
- Rapleys took a hands-on approach to addressing the various planning issues arising during pre-application discussions, including close engagement with local stakeholders and also finding a balance between local aspirations for significantly higher levels of parking than the proposals could deliver
- Following submission of the planning application we liaised closely with the local authority and Town Council to secure the earliest possible successful outcome, and permission was secured under delegated powers without the need for presentation to the planning committee
- In partnership with our viability colleagues, we also negotiated with the local authority relative to affordable housing and other planning obligations. At the end of negotiations, it was agreed that the scheme could viably deliver 10% affordable units.