Track record
Prior approval achieved to allow construction of an additional floor in Shepperton High Street, Surrey
Shepperton Properties Ltd
The project
Rapleys was instructed to advise on whether a proposal to construct an additional floor at Shepperton High Street would constitute permitted development under the requirement of Schedule 2, Part 20, Class AA.
Our client sought permission for development consisting of the construction of up to two additional storeys of new dwelling houses immediately above the top-most floor of this purpose built, detached mixed use building. We were instructed to prepare, submit and manage the application for prior approval through to determination. Key drivers for the scheme included pre-existing issues surrounding parking, land ownership and design.
Thanks to the thorough and detailed advice and negotiation process we undertook, our client’s application was approved in early 2024.
Our solution
- Client advice on the extent of design, layout and parking provision that might be acceptable within the constraints of the site
- Identifying whether because of the siting of the building, the development would impact on a protected view identified in the Directions Relating to Protected Vistas dated 15 March 2012 issued by the Secretary of State
- Advice on amenity issues in relation to surrounding premises and fenestration arrangements / necessary separation distance with surrounding properties
- Preparation of a robust statement to justify the proposed development against the prevailing requirements and stipulations of the General Permitted Development Order 2015
- Liaison and negotiation with Case Officer and Conservation Officer to reach a mutually acceptable solution regarding design
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