Track record
Residential development, Cardington
Gallagher Developments Ltd
Secured a complex set of planning permissions, most recently full permission for 592 dwellings
The project
Gallagher Developments appointed Rapleys to prepare and submit an Environmental Impact Assessment to accompany a revised planning application for 592 dwellings on land adjacent to the grade II* listed Airship Sheds. Planning permission was originally granted for the development under two separate planning applications and associated environmental impact assessments back in 2014. However, changing market conditions forced revisions to the site layout and dwelling mix. A single full planning application and updated environmental impact assessment was submitted in April 2020, receiving planning permission in April 2021.
The EIA service provided by Rapleys involved the appointment of technical consultants, preparation of the scoping opinion report, drafting of the non-technical Environmental Statement chapters and the socio-economic chapter, drafting the Non-Technical Summary, reviewing the consultants technical reports/chapters, managing and co-ordinating the consultant team alongside the master planners, editing and finalising the Environmental Statement.
Our solution
- The key potential environmental impact was that related to the setting of the listed airship sheds. The resulting planning permission, represents a good example of support for a development that procures much needed housing, whilst also enabling essential refurbishment to an ‘at risk listed building’ (a substantial public benefit) – in considering the planning balance, this outweighed the ‘substantial’ harm caused by the development to the setting of the Sheds
- Maintaining a close working relationship with the Council and other key stakeholders, notably Historic England has been a key part of the success of the project.
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