Track record
Roadside development, Brecklands, Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes Parks Trust
Created value out of a little used car park through the development of two drive-thru units

Automotive & Roadside
The project
Our client sought to create value out of a little used car park within its portfolio through the development of two drive-thru units. However, the site was subject to a number of planning constraints including an open space and recreation designation in policy (where development was strongly discouraged), and the presence of protected species nearby.
Rapleys role was to address and overcome these planning constraints which essentially created a presumption against development, whilst securing a scheme which could be viably delivered.
Our solution
- Provided the client with a strategy to respond to the various site constraints, in the interests of addressing the policy and other planning issues arising
- Undertook robust pre-application engagement with the local authority in order to secure the local authority’s support as far as possible, and to narrow the areas of difference
- Project managed the various consultants in the interests of responding to the local authority’s expressed areas of concern, and prepared and collated the planning application
- Proactively monitored the planning application following submission, to ensure that all outstanding matters were fully addressed, and that planning permission was forthcoming at the earliest opportunity.