Track record

Viability Cost Estimates

Whether it’s for a real estate development, a business venture, or any other endeavour, viability cost estimates help stakeholders evaluate the feasibility and potential risks of their investments.

Cost Consultancy




Retail & Leisure


Jack Cawthra

The project

Rapleys has been commissioned to prepare viability cost estimates on numerous projects across the residential, commercial, and leisure sectors. This is inclusive of new build developments and refurbishments.

Viability cost estimates are the backbone of sound project planning and decision-making. These estimates provide a detailed assessment of the anticipated financial outlays associated with a project, encompassing both initial and ongoing costs.

Whether it’s for a real estate development, a business venture, or any other endeavour, viability cost estimates help stakeholders evaluate the feasibility and potential risks of their investments.

A well-executed cost estimation provides a clear financial roadmap, allowing project managers, investors, and decision-makers to make informed choices, secure funding, and set realistic expectations for the future.

Our solution

Our team provide the following services to support our Clients during the viability stage of projects:

  • Advice on the cost of the Project and alternative design and construction options.
  • Advice on alternative procurement options.
  • Initial budget estimates to test feasibility proposals.
  • Benchmark data to support the initial budget estimate.
  • Advice on the likely effect of market conditions.
  • Cost plans and cashflow forecasts.

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