Track record
Mixed use development, Highover Farm, Hitchin
Planning application for around 700 dwellings and associated works in the Green Belt

The project
An outline planning application for around 700 dwellings and associated works, including a local centre and primary school and 40% affordable housing to the north of Hitchin. The site is in the Green Belt.
Our solution
Representations were made to the various stages of preparation of the Local Plan, including attendance at the Examination in 2018/19. As a result the site is included as a proposed allocation for 700 dwellings in the emerging Local Plan.
Rapleys led and advised the planning strategy for the site promotion and subsequent planning application, managing the team of consultants in preparing and submitting the planning documents, co-ordinating the Environmental Impact Assessment and providing S106 and viability advise. Extensive work has been undertaken to demonstrate the suitability of the site for development within the surrounding urban settlement and Green Belt context. The outline application was submitted during the Local Plan Examination to assist the Council by showing the deliverability of the development.
Following extensive public consultation and discussion with Officers, a number of relatively small revisions to the proposals have been necessary. As a result an amended scheme design supported by supplemental environmental information has been submitted to the Council for determination.
Rapleys were a key adviser in determining what was suitable on the site in terms of development parameters, identifying opportunities and constraints. Rapleys successfully managed the team on behalf of the client through the preparation, submission and ongoing discussion of the outline planning application.
The determination of the application is still pending, awaiting the adoption of the Local Plan.