Oldfield House Appeal
Document Library
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Document index in separate pdf file
1. Application/Appeal Summary November 2022
1.1 Planning History/Consultation Summary
2. Oldfield House Redevelopment Application (LPA ref: P/1813/19, PINS ref: APP/M5450/W/21/3275231) – Original Application Submission
2.1. Proposal Drawings
2.1.1. Drawing No. 8871 01, Site Location Plan scale 1:1250 at A3 , dated 12/04/2019
2.1.2. Drawing No. 988B 1000, Existing Site Plan scale 1:250 at A1 or 1:500 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.3. Drawing No. 988B 1001, Proposed Site Plan UG, scale 1:300 at A1 or 1:600 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.4. Drawing No. 988B 2014, UG Plan Layout, scale 1:50 at A1 or 1:100 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.5. Drawing No. 988B 2015, FF Plan Layout, scale 1:50 at A1 or 1:100 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.6. Drawing No. 988B 2016, SF Plan Layout, scale 1:50 at A1 or 1:100 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.7. Drawing No. 988B 2017, TF Plan Layout, scale 1:50 at A1 or 1:100 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.8. Drawing No. 988B 2018, Roof Plan Layout, scale 1:50 at A1 or 1:100 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.9. Drawing No. 988B 2019, Basement Plan Layout, scale 1:50 at A1 or 1:100 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.10. Drawing No. 988B 4001, Site Elevation 1, scale 1:200 at A1 or 1:400 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.11. Drawing No. 988B 4002, Site Elevations 2, scale 1:200 at A1 or 1:400 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.12. Drawing No. 988B 4011, Building Elevations 1, scale 1:100 at A1 or 1:200 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.13. Drawing No. 988B 4012, Building Elevations 2, scale 1:100 at A1 or 1:200 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.14. Drawing No. 988B 4013, Building Elevations 3-4, scale 1:100 at A1 or 1:200 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.15. Drawing No. 988B 5001, Site Section 1, scale 1:200 at A1 or 1:400 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.16. Drawing No. 988B 5002, Site Section 2, scale 1:200 at A1 or 1:400 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.17. Drawing No. 988B 5011, Building Section 1, scale 1:100 at A1 or 1:200 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.18. Drawing No. 988B 5012, Building Section 1, scale 1:100 at A1 or 1:200 at A3 , dated 10/04/2019
2.1.19. Drawing No. PL2068-03-GA-100 rev 00, Landscape Masterplan, scale 1:200 at A1, dated 08/03/2019
2.1.20. Drawing No. PL2068-03-GA-101 rev 00, Landscape Hardworks Plan, scale 1:200 at A1, dated 08/03/2019
2.1.21. Drawing No. PL2068-03-GA-102 rev 00, Landscape Softworks Plan, scale 1:200 at A1, dated 08/03/2019
2.1.22. Drawing No. PL2068-03-GA-400 rev 00, Section A-A, scale 1:200 at A1, dated 08/03/2019
2.2. Existing Plans
2.2.1. Drawing No. 630301 – Ground Floor Plan
2.2.2. Drawing No. 630302 – First Floor Plan
2.2.3. Drawing No. 63004A – Sections
2.2.4. Drawing No. 603309A – Site Sections
2.3. Documents
2.3.1. Design and Access Statement (main document) April 2019 (Part 1 – Pages 1-23)
2.3.1. Design and Access Statement (main document) April 2019 (Part 2 – Pages 24-46)
2.3.2. Design and Access Statement (Topographical Survey)
2.3.3. Planning Statement (main document) April 2019
2.3.4. Planning Statement (appendices including educational rationale) April 2019
2.3.5. Heritage Statement April 2019
2.3.6. Statement of Community Involvement April 2019
2.3.7. Landscape Statement April 2019
2.3.8. Arboricultural Statement April 2019
2.3.9. Ecology Statement December 2019
2.3.10. Flood Risk/Drainage Strategy/Cut and Fill Analysis April 2019
2.3.11. Energy Statement April 2019
2.3.12. Construction Management Plan January 2019
3. Oldfield House Redevelopment Application (LPA ref: P/1813/19, PINS ref: APP/M5450/W/21/3275231) – Plans, drawings and documents sent to the LPA which did not form part of the original application
3.1. Proposal Drawings
3.1.1. Drawing No. 988B 1000 Rev B, Existing Site Plan scale 1:250 at A1 or 1:500 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.3. Drawing No. 988B 2014 Rev G, LG Plan Layout, scale 1:50 at A1 or 1:100 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.4. Drawing No. 988B 2015 Rev G, UF Plan Layout, scale 1:50 at A1 or 1:100 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.5. Drawing No. 988B 2016 Rev G, FF Plan Layout, scale 1:50 at A1 or 1:100 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.6. Drawing No. 988B 2017 Rev G, SF Plan Layout, scale 1:50 at A1 or 1:100 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.7. Drawing No. 988B 2018 Rev E, Roof Plan Layout, scale 1:50 at A1 or 1:100 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.8. Drawing No. 988B 4001 Rev C, Site Elevation 1, scale 1:200 at A1 or 1:400 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.9. Drawing No. 988B 4002 Rev C, Site Elevations 2, scale 1:200 at A1 or 1:400 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.13. Drawing No. 988B 5001 Rev D, Site Section 1, scale 1:200 at A1 or 1:400 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.14. Drawing No. 988B 5002 Rev D, Site Section 2, scale 1:200 at A1 or 1:400 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.15. Drawing No. 988B 5011 Rev D, Building Section 1, scale 1:100 at A1 or 1:200 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.16. Drawing No. 988B 5012 Rev D, Building Section 1, scale 1:100 at A1 or 1:200 at A3 , dated 23/10/2019
3.1.17. Drawing No. PL2068-03-GA-100 rev 01, Landscape Masterplan, scale 1:200 at A1, dated 23/10/2019
3.1.18. Drawing No. PL2068-03-GA-101 rev 00, Landscape Hardworks Plan, scale 1:200 at A1, dated 23/10/2019
3.1.19. Drawing No. PL2068-03-GA-102 rev 00, Landscape Softworks Plan, scale 1:200 at A1, dated 23/10/2019
3.1.20. Drawing No. PL2068-03-GA-400 rev 00, Section A-A, scale 1:200 at A1, dated 23/10/2019
3.2. Documents
3.2.1. Design and Access Statement October 2019
3.2.2. Planning Statement Addendum October 2019
3.2.3. Heritage Statement Addendum October 2019
3.2.4. Landscape Statement October 2019
3.2.5. Preliminary Ecological Appraisal November 2019
3.2.6. Arboricultural Statement November 2019 (main document, plus 2 appendices)
3.2.7. Flood Risk Assessment November 2019/Drainage Strategy November 2019
3.2.8. Energy Statement October 2019
3.2.9. Alternative Sites Studies March 2020
3.2.10. Alternative Sites Studies Addendum July 2020
3.2.11. Alternative Sites Studies September 2020
4. Oldfield House Redevelopment Application (LPA ref: P/1813/19, PINS ref: APP/M5450/W/21/3275231) – Local Authority Documents
4.1. Committee Report – January 2020
4.2. Committee Report – November 2020
4.3. Committee Report Supplemental – November 2020
4.4. Decision Notice
5. Modification of 1996 JLS s.106 agreement (LPA ref: P/2504/19, PINS ref: APP/M5450/W/21/3281359)– s.106A Application Documents
5.1. Covering letter
5.4. Decision Notice
6. Discharge of 1996 JLS s.106 agreement (LPA ref: P/2092/21, PINS ref: APP/M5450/W/21/3281360)– s.106A Application Documents
6.1. Covering letter
6.3. Principal s.106 agreement – 1995
6.4. Deed of Variation – 2007-09
6.5. Deed of Variation – 2007-10
6.7. Committee Report (September 2021 – post-submission of appeal)
7. Planning Policy and Guidance
7.1. National Planning Policy Framework
7.2. The Development Plan
7.2.1. The London Plan 2021 (Part 1)
7.2.1. The London Plan 2021 (Part 2)
7.2.1. The London Plan 2021 (Part 3)
7.2.1. The London Plan 2021 (Part 4)
7.2.2. Harrow Core Strategy
7.2.3. Harrow Development Management Policies
8. Oldfield House Redevelopment Appeal (LPA ref: P/1813/19, PINS ref: APP/M5450/W/21/3275231)
8.1. Planning appeal statement
8.2. Planning appeal statement appendices
8.3. Educational rationale statement
8.4. Educational rationale statement appendices (Part 1 – Pages 1-41)
8.4. Educational rationale statement appendices (Part 2 – Pages 42-92)
8.4. Educational rationale statement appendices (Part 3 – Pages 93-183)
8.5. Architectural statement and appendices
8.6. Heritage statement and appendices
8.7. Townscape and visual appraisal and appendices
8.8. Arboricultural impact assessment and appendices
9. Modification of 1996 JLS s.106 agreement (LPA ref: P/2504/19, PINS ref: APP/M5450/W/21/3281359)– s.106B Appeal Documents
9.1. Covering Letter
10. Discharge of 1996 JLS s.106 agreement (LPA ref: P/2092/21, PINS ref: APP/M5450/W/21/3281360)– s.106B Appeal Documents
10.1. Covering letter
11. Local Authority Statement of Case
11.1. Statement
11.2. Appendices
11.2.1. Appendices 1 -2
11.2.2. Appendices 3 -4
12. Third Party Representations
12.1. Allett
12.2. King
12.3. Violaris
13. Statement of Common Ground
13.1. [To Follow]